„B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“. Eine englischsprachige, monatliche News-Sendung des Internationalen Netzwerks anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radioprojekte, mit kurzen Beiträgen aus aller Welt.
Kämpfe von Geflüchteten auf den Inseln Lesvos & Aegean, Repression nach dem G20, Hungerstreik & Solidarität mit Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis…
Greetings Comrades and Welcome to B(A)DNews, Angry Voices from Around The World for December, 2017, a product of the International Anarchist & Anti-Authoritarian Radios Network. This month, we’ll hear the following segments from member-groups:
First, 105fm presents on local news from Lesvos Island and other Aegean Islands, refugee struggles, the occupation of the Syriza headquarters in & the trial of the head of the the Greek fascist party, the Golden Dawn.
Next, comrades from Radio Kurruf in so-called Chile share about the murder of Mapuche youth, Rafael Nahuatl, in Argentinian portions of Walmapu.
After that, we journey over to Germany for A-Radio Berlin’s presentation of a report about repression against the radical left in Germany about the anti-G20 demonstrations in Hamburg in the summer and up into December in other parts of Germany against the radical left.
Following this, Radio Fragmata from Athens, tells us about organizing against the new Correctional Code in Greece.
Coming up, next will be a segment by Dissident Island Radio with Lori Love who is fighting extradition to the U.S. from the U.K. for charges of hacking.
After that, 98FM, Radios Of Subversive Expressions from Athens gives updates about the eviction of the Garre Squat, and the hunger strikes and solidarity with Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis.
Following, this is a report by comrades at Crna Luknja with ecological resisters in Germany’s Rhineland region against the lignite, brown coal pit mine in the old growth Hambacher Forest.
Finally, The Final Straw airs the latest segment of the #DropJ20 podcast, updating listeners to the latest details in the first segment of the trials of 194 anti-fascist and anti-capitalist protestors facing up to 60 years in U.S. prisons for anti-Trump-Inauguration demonstrations on January 20th, 2017.
If you’d like to find out more about the projects involved in the A-Radio Network, learn more about our work or hear past episodes of B(A)DNews: Angry Voices from Around the world, check out our new website, A-Radio-Network.org.
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